What to Wear

"I don't have a clue what to wear for my session. Help!" Don't stress! I get this A LOT. 
One of my favorite things about photos are the colors. I love how they just POP off each photo. A few no nos though:
No logo shirts. Find something that is in the same color and style, with out the huge bran across it.
Try to stay away from crazy patterns. Although the outfits do help the photos, we don't want them to take away from the subject that's important in the photos...You. 
Try to stay away from black! Yes I totally agree it's slimming, but it is also very dull to be in all black. If you want to wear something black try to add a little color to it. Maybe a pair of black leggins
and a colorful top, with some awesome accessories? 
Don't wear the same color tops. You are all different, why look the same!? 

The Dos:
Do wear light colored outfits. Nothing to bold, but colorful and light. 
Do bring along accessories ie; bracelets, necklaces, rings,scarfs, and jackets.
Do bring along more than one pair of shoes. 
Do make sure that you try and match your colors with everyone in the photo.

I am going to attach some of my favorite Pinterest boards that give you an idea of what is perfect to wear to your session! 

In this board you can see that they are not wearing the SAME thing, but the colors are the same! Mom's outfit just pops everything off! 
In this board there is COLOR! Tons of color and yet it's still all neutral. Perfect example of what to wear for your own Fall session! 

Ah Spring colors! LOVE spring colors. These are a perfect example of what looks amazing together!

If you have any more questions feel free to follow me on Pinterest for some amazing ideas for your own session!

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